Sporting Goods Distributor Lowers Turnover And Attracts Talent To Keep Up With Fast-Growing Revenue

Radhika is the Head of HR for a big holdings company in Brooklyn, NY. One of their subsidiary companies, which had been in business for two years was growing quickly. They were struggling to find and keep talented employees because they didn’t offer a good benefits package.

Radhika had vast experience working with PEOs

and found it challenging to find a provider who would accept them and provide competitive pricing.

Being severely understaffed while revenue was growing created a stressful environment. They were honest with employees about their search for better benefits and hiring more staff. Despite this, they continued to experience high turnover.

That’s when she connected with AdviceHR. Within days, they found multiple solutions. “AdviceHR understood our situation exactly and found PEOs that were willing to look into our business. It was a really smooth process. All we did was lay out our requirements, and we got multiple options.”

Radhika was impressed with the analysis. We reviewed the pros and cons of each provider, along with pricing. “Not even our parent company, who’s much larger, has as good insurance.”

“Looking for a PEO, you really need to do your homework, but if you are in the market looking for a PEO, going through AdviceHR is great. They will not try to sell a product to you and they will actually “ stay connected with you through the process, even after the PEO is implemented.”

After choosing which PEOs to continue with, AdviceHR organized meetings to review technology and speak with HR teams. “I learned a lot about what to look for in a PEO, including specific certifications,” she noted.

During and after onboarding, Radhika’s AdviceHR consultant kept monitoring and coordinating with the PEO team. “We were very impressed with the service we got from the new PEO team. I’ve worked with multiple PEOs and their salespeople. It’s difficult working with PEO salespeople directly because many of them will promise you the moon and the stars if you ask for that, but when you finally implement, you don’t get it. With AdviceHR I got it and more. Everything that was promised was provided.”

Managing HR at a much larger company, she wasn’t used to certain nuances around compliance of a smaller company. Her PEO HR team was “amazing” as she put it. They know her team very well, understand their situation and provide direct support in many areas.

“Now that we have great benefits, HR and know we have someone to depend on, we can start thinking about the future.”